5-8pm ish
For more details click here.
Please RSVP to alanna(dot)cavanagh(at)gmail(dot)com.
See you tonight.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Stephen Sondheim
Stephen Sondheim. No words for how I feel about this guy.
I'm painting a mural this afternoon and when I do I need to listen to intense broadway tunes!
Just found this BBC Sondheim celebration on You tube. I can never ever listen to his lyrics and not cry. Especially from Sunday and the Park with George.
"Look I made a hat... where there never was a hat." Killer.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Stop the presses: I chose a floor today
Look at those knots! Yum!
Yes what a shocker. After months of research I finally chose a floor for my home. It's from Kultur and is a wide plank Natural Red Oak in a gorgeous "loft grade". Was thrilled to find a company that did a 3rd grade with tons of knots and variations in colour plus ... the floor was very affordable because the company has gone into receivership. SCORE!
A huge thank you to Amanda from the very wonderful Gus studio who put me on to Kultur. Recently her home was featured on Design Sponge and as you can see she also did a gorgeous Kulter loft grade in maple.
If all goes well the floor will be installed in 3 weeks.
ps. Also a huge thank you to M + Kim. You know who you are. :-) xxx
File under stuff to remember: Take this Sofa
Take this Sofa is a great site where Claire lists the fabulous decor items that she finds on Craig's list.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tonight I went to the launch of my friend Ray's book Why not?: Fifteen Reason to live.
Ray and I met many moons ago as students at U. of T. - where we were both pursuing hopelessly impractical humanities degrees. (Philosophy, art history and comparative religion anyone?!) I have always been pleased to see that he put his to such good use!
The subject matter of the book is very close to my heart so I was inspired to dive in the minute I got home. So far the book is absorbing, insightful and also very funny. + ps. Just nominated for Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Nonfiction! Way to go Ray.
Underground Organics - So gorgeous!
Shane Eby of Underground Organics
What vibrant pinks + oranges!
Great bouquet coming home in my bicycle basket
Aren't those green ones great? Very 'Dr. Seuss' .
(Shane told me they were poppies. (?) Must research this...)
At home. Just love the organic nature of the arrangement.
Today I went to the farmers market at Trinity Bellwoods park and was completely bowled over by the gorgeous flowers sold by Underground Organics. The intense colours + quirky nature of the flowers was really striking - and I love that they're organic! Just had to take some home with me. Hope to pick up some more Thursday afternoon at the Dufferin Grove farmer's market to have for my open house Friday. (Doubt I'll make it tho'!) ps. Just learned on the website that Underground Organics = Julia Hitchcock, Shane Eby + Dan Riegler.
I'm in desperate need of a Twitter lesson
This morn Munge Leung tweeted this nice note re my blog post and I'm sure I messed up the reply. Still don't really know how to use twitter. Blush.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Here's your chance to peek inside my studio....
In association with nationwide Cultural Days I'm hosting:
What: Open House at my studio.
When: This Friday September 30th 5-8pm.
Where: 38 Abell St. Studio 209
Come check out my studio, have a glass of wine and learn more about the silk screen process.
My screens + ink will be on display and prints + greeting cards will be for sale.
Please RSVP to this post or by emailing alanna(dot)cavanagh(at)gmail(dot)com
by Wed September 28th.
Way to go Emma
I cracked open the Globe's Style Section on Saturday afternoon and was so pleased to see a HUGE photo of Emma Reddington's bedroom. It appeared in Deirdre Kelly's ongoing series "My Favourite Room". Way to go Emma.
Friday, September 23, 2011
New work: Woman's Day magazine
Here's an illo I created for Woman's Day magazine on How to conquer your Compulsions.
I drew a woman addicted to the Internet. Here she is... pinning kitchens to Pinterest! :-)
Art director: Sarina Green
Thursday, September 22, 2011
New work: Kneesocks
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Munge Leung + Mercatto
Mercattos' great murals and signage by Illustrator Anson Liaw.
Love love this counter made outta reclaimed wood.
(It's on the "make it myself one day" list)
Just loved their mix of worn wood, marble and steel. Very warm.
(The mix of textures reminded me alot of Commute Home)
Great lighting.
The guys.
On Sunday I posted about loving the interior design of Mercatto restaurants and right away Smarty pants Jennifer Flores of Rambling Renovators let me know that they were designed by Design duo Munge Leung. (Alessandro Munge actually presented at the first PechaKucha which Jennifer organized in 2007. Neat!)) In Toronto Munge Leung also designed La Societe plus many other stunning interiors which you can see on their website. If I won the lottery I'd ask them to drop everything and renovate my loft. I know...in my dreams.
Thanks again Jennifer - your design saaviness (sp?) is impressive!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Toronto Review of Books held their launch party tonight and boy was it fun. Writers Wendy Banks, Jason Mcbride, Alison Rose, Graham F. Scott, Ivor Tossel, Ewan Whyte, Tabatha Southey, Shawn Micallef + many others made for an evening of scintillating conversation + good company. Plus it was so nice to be in Massey College - one the city's hidden gems. Thanks to the Editor of the Review Jessica (Duffin Wolfe) for organizing such a fantastic evening.
File under Wish I wrote that
By UK based writer Sally Beerworth who started the Joy of Ex Foundation after going through a tough divorce. Wonderful.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Images from the Weekend
My favourite barista at the Drake makes it a good morning.(Check out that latté art)
This is my new favourite restaurant.
Wonderful food + interiors: lots of wood + metal and wine bottles used as a decor element.
The manager is gonna get back to me with the name of the interior design firm.
Dinner at Mercatto. So lovely.
Documentary by Corinna Belz on the German painter Gerhard Richter.
I found it amazing that she was granted access to his studio.
It was incredible to watch him push this enormous squeegee across the underpainting. It is what created the magic as it made all the colours schmush together. (Do you like my profound art historian terminology? :-))
Also so interesting to watch his earnest assistants prepare for the exhibitions with elaborate maquettes + see the great gallery scenes in Berlin, London + New York..
You can watch the trailer here.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Les Queues de Sardines
Tights by Les Queues de Sardines
There’s something very special about this company: Quirky, Circusy + Surreal …. and French ofcourse.
There are somethings i see that i just have to draw.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Off it goes!
Katherine Yaphe from Oliver Yaphe picking up a print earlier this week.
What a great smile - and jeans!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Wall mural by Alison Cosmos
Through Pinterest (my new favourite thing!) found this great mural by Alison Cosmos inspired by a Manuel Canovas toile. Love the hot pink + orange color scheme and the Victorian woman on the elephant!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Weekend Images: Cabbagetown Festival + Making Jam
SCORE! Just what I was looking for: Stools! These will be painted red.
Liz Kingstone
And below some gems that got away!
Loved the quirky curvey shape of this dresser. I woulda changed the hardware + painted it black.
Alas SOLD for 75 bucks.
Great church pew. Woulda looked great in hallway. Sold for 50. What a steal!
Damson Plums