My immersion in all things Paul Rand continues.
I am too rushed today to summarize all the work + theories that I find inspiring (Plus I am starting to think that most people don't read illustrator blogs anyway- they just look at the pictures!) so for now will just focus on one of his strengths: Collage.
Rand loved the spontaneity of collage and used it through his career.
I've been looking for ways to move my style forward in a more immediate and minimal direction and I believe collage is the ticket.
Looking for a starting off point I decided to create a little 'homage collage'.
I began by colouring paper with pastels in quick strokes. I then cut out pieces quickly and glued onto a piece of cardboard.
*Note: The shape + colour of the flowers are taken directly from Rand's children's book titled I know alot of things.
This IS an homage. Ahem.
It was very refreshing to cut the letters out rather than draw them.
The technique ensures the piece has a fresh look that is not overworked.
This is definitely the direction I'd like to take with my illustration.
Studying Paul Rand's oeuvre and reading about his theories is like finding the brilliant, curmudgeonly design teacher I never had.
been meaning to comment on this. in the finished piece, you can totally see the fun you were having while making it. i like that you are coloring the paper by hand so it has those nice irregularities. it adds a whole other level. how fitting that your main image right now is scissors!
This all activities are best for all kids it helps them to create some innovative crafts from this papers.
kids worksheets
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