Monday, August 16, 2010

New work: Good egg bookmarks

Book mark for cookbook store good egg

Close up

My Julia Child illustration has been printed up on bookmarks for good egg.
I love the deep pink that Mika chose for the background.
Susan at Cumberland Press did a wonderful job on the printing.
For a peek at the creative process behind this design see this earlier post.

A note on the drawing:
I wrote this text up an hour after watching the film Julie and Julia. I was so inspired to learn that the author of Mastering the Art of French Cooking didn't start cooking till she was almost 40! The lesson here for all you late bloomers =
It's never too late.


  1. Ohmygoodness, I LOVE this.
    So cute and SO inspirational :) You're right! It's never too late to start doing something really great :)
    love, love, love this :)

  2. Great drawing and a great sentiment. That would inspire me to try out some new recipes!
