Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Some of my Favourite things

Collection of wooden letters

Wooden hand and Antique tins
Plus David Rakoff, Sloane Crosby and Maria Kalman

U of T. Tea cup stolen by my dear friend Andrew from Hart House - part of our beloved Alma mater

Nunzilla and Co. (A reminder of a strict Catholic upbringing)

Wire shoe from The Bata Shoe museum

Beloved books

So I'm now packing with a vengeance but took the time to take a few pics of some my favourite things incase (God forbid) the movers lose them!


  1. I got married at Hart House! Its one of my fave buildings in the city. Happy packing & unpacking.

    Psst, I wrote a post about you today :)

  2. I can see why these are favorites!!!

    Packing is a drag! At least you have movers and you don't have to beg family and friends to carry it!

    I am having a giveaway for $35 from by and enter! You can get something new for the new place!

    ta! Shannon (8foot6)

  3. You didn't unpack the boxes I packed?
