Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back in a Nesty Mood: Much Ado about Flooring Part 1

Susanne Dimma's livingroom with dark flooring.
Together with the dark lamps I think it really grounds the space.
Love the sisal rug on top.

Suzanne Dimma's cozy entrance way.
The patterned table cloth and soft white walls look great against the dark floors.

Amanda Peet's daughters room
The mix of bright pink patterns plus that amazing rug again look quite great against the dark floors

Ok with my illo jobs completed for the week I'm finally able to turn my mind to the matter of flooring for my new pad. Am keen to cover up the cement floor which is makin' me feel a bit like i'm living in a garage! Not good.
My first decision: Do I go for dark or light?
I have long been drawn to lightish/honey coloured worn pine floors but these gorgeous pics of Suzanne Dimma's and Amanda Peet's houses are a definite vote to go dark!

Whaddaya think Dear Readers? Dark or Light?
Thanks for you input and feel free to leave a comment with any other flooring suggestions.


  1. I like either dark or bleached, greyish wide planks. I hear dark is hard to keep clean though!

  2. Thanks Jane.
    I like the sound of greyish wide planks!
