Thursday, March 31, 2011

New sketches with pen + ink

Experimenting with pen, ink and tracing paper. (as opposed to markers)

I really like how using a crow quill pen inevitably produces big inky blobs.
(happy accidents)

For reference I use both art history books + Google images.

A bunch of vases.
Next I'm going to incorporate these drawings into a new wallpaper pattern. Stay tuned.

For a while now I've been looking to thicken the line work of my drawings so this week I experimented with a traditional crow quill pen, nib + india ink as opposed to the Staedtler markers that I usually draw with. I also switched up my regular paper with tracing paper as I had recently read these were Andy Warhol's choice of materials!* I was really pleased with the results. The combo of materials resulted in a fluid, thicker + more varied line with plenty of accidental ink blobs which I love.
Experiments will continue!

* Note: After Andy drew on the tracing paper he then blotted it onto an absorbent piece of paper. In this way he produced his famous blotted line which I adore. There is a tutorial on his technique here. Thanks Joyce!


  1. I love your ink drawings! I have a bottle of india ink sitting on my desk waiting to be used but I didn't know where to start - I love that tutorial you linked to. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. There was something about these that looked familiar to me and when you mentioned Andy Warhol it all fell into place. I love the large inky "spots" as well.

  3. I like your drawings! Thanks for that tutorial you linked to. I am very much inspire with your drawing. Keep sharing!

  4. These all activities are only for fun and enjoyment. These all sketches are funny but looking good.
    kids worksheets

  5. wow! these are really lovely! I work myself with fountain brush and ink and I agree with you , those blobs gives the illustrations a plus!
