Sunday, April 10, 2011

Liz Kingstone: Style mentor!

Liz showing me her latest favourite Decor book:
A Perfectly Kept House is the Sign of A Misspent Life by
Mary Randolph Carter

(Apologies for blurry photo!)

Over wine I admire Liz's latest creative endeavour:
Livingroom chair decorated by her son Henry with pink fabric markers!

The same corner when shot for Wish magazine in December 09.
(Also featured on Poppytalk here)
In typical Liz fashion she has switched up the space in every way including changing up all art work + furniture and painting the victorian pine floors white!
(My Big orange scissor print has moved upstairs and is now flipped horizontally over a pull out couch!)

On the weekend I had a visit with my friend + total style mentor Liz Kingstone.
(I originally mentioned Liz + her husband Steve Brearton here back in 09 when their fabulous house was featured in Wish magazine)
I met Liz years ago when I was living in Cabbagetown and was immediately blown away by her fearless attitude toward decorating. She's a woman who is not afraid to paint her hallway bright pink, knit her own 10 foot high curtains or rearrange her entire livingroom whenever the mood strikes! (The fact that she does this all while also teaching, designing jewelry and raising 3 boys has always left me a bit awe struck)
A visit with Liz is always complete balm for the soul and style inspiration.

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