Friday, July 1, 2011

Beginners by Director/Graphic Designer Mike Mills

I went to see the film Beginners last night.

Was attracted to the film initially because of this great lettering in the poster (which I suspected was done by one of my all time fave illustrators Eric Hanson.)

Turns out it was done by the writer/director of the film Mike Mills who began his career as a graphic designer. (!) Mike graduated from Cooper Union and then went on to work at M + Co. with Tibor Kalman. Coincidenza.

The film is very autobiographical with Ewan McGregor playing the main character of Oliver who - yes - works as a graphic designer. (yay)
I adored the drawings in the film which were all done by Mike Mills.

Below Oliver sketches "A History of Ex-girlfriends". Adorable.

Love the Princess Leia hairdo and Mill's broken line.

I think this ex girlfriend did alotta drugs.

Was excited to discover that a book has been published with the drawings from the film.
Add to cart. :-)

This Poster is from an earlier film by Mike Mills Thumbsucker.
Isn't it great?
ps. I am honking.

The film was wonderful in many ways - the performances of Christopher Plummer + Ewan McGregor are note perfect + heartbreaking... but for me Mill's entirely fresh + inventive direction is the big deal of this movie. For insight into it you can read a great interview with the director on the AIGA website here.
Strongly recommended - especially if you're designer/ illustrator sort.

ps. Fun fact: Michael Mills is married to Miranda July.
I think that = Mr. + Mrs. Quirky USA.


  1. Well, I think Beginners movie was nice. Definitely I want to see. Keep sharing!

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  2. Emma and I saw the movie last weekend and wept and wept... we loved it. And I loved the drawings - can I steal the title "The History of Sadness" please?

  3. Beginners is best movie that I had ever saw.I saw this movie last weak only with my family.I enjoyed every section of the movie.

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  4. Beginners is quiet movie. The movie is the original and exciting and in many ways.I enjoyed a lot the movie.

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  5. Well, I recently saw the Beginners movie. Quiet impressive movie. I must say director had given good efforts. Thanks!

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  6. I'm afraid I didn't do the title lettering for Beginners. Would have if asked, of course. I'm a film person from way back. (Nine unproduced feature length screenplays.) Er-H
