Sunday, September 18, 2011

Images from the Weekend

My favourite barista at the Drake makes it a good morning.(Check out that latté art)

This is my new favourite restaurant.
Wonderful food + interiors: lots of wood + metal and wine bottles used as a decor element.
The manager is gonna get back to me with the name of the interior design firm.

Dinner at Mercatto. So lovely.

Documentary by Corinna Belz on the German painter Gerhard Richter.
I found it amazing that she was granted access to his studio.

It was incredible to watch him push this enormous squeegee across the underpainting. It is what created the magic as it made all the colours schmush together. (Do you like my profound art historian terminology? :-))
Also so interesting to watch his earnest assistants prepare for the exhibitions with elaborate maquettes + see the great gallery scenes in Berlin, London + New York..
You can watch the trailer here.


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Mercatto is a fave of mine too. Their restaurants were designed by Munge Leung (who also designed Salad King, another fave, and La Societe, a place I'm dying to visit).

  2. Thanks Jen!
    You are so in the know. :-)
