Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Underground Organics - So gorgeous!

Shane Eby
of Underground Organics

What vibrant pinks + oranges!

Great bouquet coming home in my bicycle basket
Aren't those green ones great? Very 'Dr. Seuss' .
(Shane told me they were poppies. (?) Must research this...)

At home. Just love the organic nature of the arrangement.

Today I went to the farmers market at Trinity Bellwoods park and was completely bowled over by the gorgeous flowers sold by Underground Organics. The intense colours + quirky nature of the flowers was really striking - and I love that they're organic! Just had to take some home with me. Hope to pick up some more Thursday afternoon at the Dufferin Grove farmer's market to have for my open house Friday. (Doubt I'll make it tho'!) ps. Just learned on the website that Underground Organics = Julia Hitchcock, Shane Eby + Dan Riegler.


  1. sweet, I hope you paint a picture...those flowers are so funky!

  2. hi pve
    i did paint a picture! coming up!
