Friday, January 4, 2013

Favourite discovery of 2012: Michelle Yee of Soft Mechanic

My favourite discovery of the past year was massage therapist Michelle Yee of Soft Mechanic.

I discovered Michelle when she entered a give away for one of my prints on the Marion house blog.

I clicked on her name and when I saw she was a RMT I immediately thought "Ooh Ahh Barter!".
(I do hope Canada Revenue Services is not reading this post).
As Michelle is a self described "serious decor enthusiast + art lover" she let me know she'd love to do a trade of her massage services in exchange for prints. (Lucky me).

*There's several things about Soft Mechanic treatments that make them extra special.*

First off - as is clear from her sweetly welcoming website* Michelle is an extremely warm + thoughtful therapist who cares deeply about her practice.
I love this line from her site:
"I believe in the restorative power of beauty, the preciousness of little things and the grandness of giving ourselves permission to rest."
Isn't that great?
Michelle  takes extra care to make sure I feel welcome + comfortable at all times... plus she provides the most BLISSFUL massage EVAH! (EVAH said in Brooklyn accent)

Secondly the treatments take place in Michelle's home which is recently renovated and quite the visits are a complete treat for the eyes as well as muscles. I never fail to leave feeling 'decor inspired' -plus motivated to clean my apt more and finally buy that waffle shower curtain! If you book an appointment make sure not to miss her vintage globe collection and fabulous marble tile in the bathroom.

 One of my favourite spaces: Treatment room at Soft Mechanic

Lastly Michelle's music is in complete contrast to the icky new age stuff that is normally pumped into spa rooms. She plays lots of cozy indie folks** like Patrick Watson, Elliot Smith, + Nick Drake plus lots of current bands I've never heard I always have a few names to look up on itunes when I get home with my relaxed body. :-)

Going to Michelle's house was definitely a highlight  of 2012 + very importantly provided much needed comfort to me during a difficult second half of last year.

I feel incredibly lucky to have met her and can not recommend her enough.
xxx to you Michelle.

* Designed by the talented Avery Swartz fyi!

**Also known as The Sad Bastard playlist. :-)

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