Thursday, March 28, 2013

Design Salon: The Brunch Edition

Last Sunday my Design gals got together over brunch in Heather's Shaw's lovely home.
(When I'm at Heather's house I feel like I'm walking around in a decor magazine come to life :-).

Love this pic.
Note Alanna's ever present note book.
 Heather talks business. :-)
Delicious brunch including spinach and cheese strata (yum) buttery croissants + yellow tulips!
And LOVE the shabby comfy chair in the middle of the kitchen! Oh Yeah.
For a full tour of Heather's gorgeous house see the Aug 2012 back issue of Covet Garden magazine here.


  1. Looks like you ladies had a fantastic time! Heather's home is amazing and I too love her feature on the magazine too!

    Happy Easter Alanna!

  2. Pics look awesome
