Friday, May 31, 2013

The Artscape Salon

Last Wednesday I had a ton of fun participating in Artscape's Annual Fundraising Salon at Daniels Spectrum in Regent Park. This year's theme was Picnic in the Park.
Here is the group of speakers chosen for the evening  

(Back Row) Cara Eastcott, Thompson Egbo-Egbo, Sue Cohen, Richard Marsella, Mona Filip, Tim Svirklys, David Macfarlane, David Buchbinder, Farley Flex, Dan Yashinsky, ( Front Row) Ambur Braid, Me, Sam Shuter, Lisa Rochon, Darren O’Donnell, Jason Collett, Clarence Ford, Komi Olaf.
Veronica Tennant was also a speaker.

  The Event began with a fun cocktail reception.

Artscape Salon Co-chairs Shelley Black + Vaughn Stafford Grey then took to the stage to explain how the “salon-style dinner party” would work...

The event was set up as a sort of "Speed dating" with artists in that the speakers were asked to travel from table to table after each dinner course with the mandate to discuss the role of art in Toronto plus stimulate scintillating discussion! (no pressure there!)

As the theme was Picnic in the Park I thought it oh so appropriate to bring along my Fruit Tattlys which I had just picked up from the Tattly team in NYC. 
 Guests were encouraged to choose a Tattly of their choice.
 Several guests chose two and insisting on putting them on immediately! (Good sports)
 Watermelon + champagne = good combo.

Opera Singer Ambur Braid in intense discussion
Janice Lyndsay with the delicious Spring Torchietti provided by Enoteca Sociale - yum!

Her husband David McFarlane with emphatic hand gestures!

Two of my favourite guests from the evening.
(Unfortunately, unlike the speakers, they did not have to wear name tags!)
I shall track them down....) :-)

  After dinner Councillor Mike Layton put his family’s legendary auctioneering skills to good use for the live auction.
My Room of One's Own print was first in line.

Here is the lovely guest Jodi who went home with my print.
(I had to give her an apple tattoo - in celebration - but ofcourse)

 Me + Vaughan at end of evening

The evening was a complete blast from start to finish!
You can see the full set of photos here:

Thank you Artscape!  

Photos above (with exception of Tattlys!) courtesy of Garrison McArthur Photographers

1 comment:

  1. Love that dress on you! (and the new tattly's are fab!)
