Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New work: More illustrations for the LCBO

Here are a few more illustrations I did for the LCBO.
This was for a video on fortified wine.
The woman's face with the roman nose reminds me Leandra Medine of Man Repeller (who I adore)
I gave her a classic red Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress. 
The LCBO requested something very current for the fella's wardrobe so I consulted the spring J Crew catalogue! His outfit is based on their very sharp Ludlow suit.  
 These folks were also drawn for the fortified wine video. Ever since getting my hair cut I find I love drawing woman with short hair. yay! The guy's outfit is again based on j crew items and the couch is inspired by the Spencer sofa at Style Garage which i have long lusted over....

In both videos the figures were cropped. These are the full versions with heads.
Here is your friendly LCBO employee ready to help you choose your bottle of red!
He appears in all 7 videos.

 Little vintagey globe which appears in videos and in print.

Thanks so much to the LCBO and Blammo for the great gig.


  1. I love your Leandra Medine woman drawing in the black dress. Her gesture with her hand is beeeautiful---(as a fellow illustrator I love it when I see great hand drawings!) What a great bunch of illustrations! Thanks!Kate

  2. Thanks so much Kate. I do love drawing expressive hands.
