Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back in the Studio

The Brooks Brothers suit done in a custom colour for a special customer

Step 1 in making a screen
Transfer your image to a piece of acetate
(Trade secret which I learned from studio mate Jeff: If you don't have acetate you can also oil a plain piece of paper to make it transparent)

After placing the acetate on a screen which has been coated with emulsion, turn on the light table and expose the screen for 5 minutes
Jeff uses the 'heavy tool box technique" for ensuring that no light seeps through.

TA DA! The s is for swing screen is ready!

This is what the final print will look like.

On the weekend I printed a custom Brooks Brothers suit in orange for a special customer request and also created the screen for my s is for swing print. Swing prints will be ready in approx. 2 weeks!


Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and I'm very impressed with your work!

Alanna Cavanagh said...

hi design traveller
thanks very much.
i popped over to your blog- it is a feast for the eyes and mind with very original material.will pop by again.x