Tyler Brule's talk at OCAD last week was funny + inspirational and
served as a big kick in the ass reminder to always be brave, original + THINK BIGGER.
Some favourite lines:
1. "
Can we all be present in the room here tonight? I don't wanna see any tops of heads."
(In other words... turn off your phone)
2. "I worked at Movenpick in Yorkville and I spent all my tip money across the street at Maison de la Presse.
That's where I got my education."
3. "Toronto needs to change it's residential vernacular. In terms of architecture it needs to raise the bar". Yep.
4. "Rather than looking south all the time
Canadians should look East + West"
(After that I wrote in my notebook... LESS MAINE.... MORE SPAIN!")
Thanks OCADU for a great night.